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Sobota 18.05.2024 - 3.9363 (1 USD) | 4.2685 (1 EUR) | 4.3302 (1 CHF)


Czy warto kupić mieszkanie w Szczecinie w 2024 roku?


Kolejny oddział otwarty!


Mikulski Nieruchomości w drużynie Pogoni Szczecin


Świadectwo charakterystyki energetycznej - czym jest i kto musi je posiadać?


Jak duże mieszkanie można kupić w programie Bezpieczny kredyt?


Jak sprzedać mieszkanie z kredytem hipotecznym?


Jak kupować mieszkania w czasie kryzysu


Wykreślenie hipoteki z księgi wieczystej.


Real estate flipping


Everything you need to know about the notary


One area worth having a basic understanding of is knowing what the notary takes care of exactly. Therefore, we invite you to read the text in which we provide the necessary information on what this profession is about. We also distinguish duties and activities with which he is associated, and we also present the costs resulting from the use of such services.

Ways to save water in your home and apartment.


Ways to save water in your home and apartment. It is worth using solutions in everyday life that will help reduce the costs of bills and at the same time will serve you environment. Therefore, we invite you to read the article that highlights some of the ways to save water in the house and apartment. Their use in many cases does not require effort and large amounts time, so keep them in mind.

Home staging - what is it and when is it worth using?


Appropriate presentation of the property may contribute to increasing the interest of potential buyers or tenants and thus - to conclude transactions faster. Therefore, the service as it is must be taken into account home staging. So find out what it is and why you should use it.
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