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Preparation of your property

Home staging is an increasingly popular procedure in Poland. What do you need to know about it to help yourself sell your home or apartment faster?

Preparation of your property

Standards for the presentation of properties for sale are beginning to change. Home staging is an increasingly popular procedure in Poland. What do you need to know about it to help yourself sell your home or apartment faster?

Skillful rearrangement, based on the principles of a balanced spatial composition. Correction or arrangement of new room lighting, introducing color corrections. Giving a neutral character and atmosphere to the premises, giving the most favorable reception possible to a potential client. The premise is low cost. It is to translate into interest and a favorable price for the Seller.

Selected stages of implementing changes:

Providing advice by an intermediary viewing the property from the position of a potential customer
Establishing an action plan - the scope and deadline for the necessary work
Cleaning the property - from unnecessary equipment and decorations
Arrangement optimal arrangement of existing furniture
Decoration - final preparation of the house to be shown to customers
Photo session showing the greatest strengths

When to use?

Home staging is used in the case of properties where there are many potential customers (viewers), but nothing comes out of them. This means that the property has an affordable price and an attractive location, but it does not impress on its own. It will definitely help in selling any real estate.

How to prepare your property for presentation?

Real estate presentation.
The moment the decision to sell the property is made, it becomes a commodity for sale. We don`t have to like it anymore. It is supposed to please potential interested parties. It must look neutral, not like a storehouse of our "treasures" accumulated throughout our lives.

We have cleaned the apartment, made a small renovation and we are ready to welcome potential clients. Whether the presentation of the premises will be effective depends not only on the condition of the property itself, but also on our attitude.

With this in mind, you should be well prepared for the client`s visit. What we are sentimentally attached to and we like, others do not have to. Our silence may turn out to be golden when presenting our property. Let us allow ourselves to be spoken by our advisers who look down on everything.

Stages of making changes

  • Providing advice to an intermediary viewing the property from the position of a potential client.
  • Determining an action plan - the scope and deadline for the necessary work (the work can be organized by the owner or with our help).
  • Make a list of necessary minor repairs.
  • Choosing the color of paints to refresh the interior.
  • Cleaning the property of unnecessary equipment and decorations.
  • Organizing and carrying out minor repairs, painting, cleaning, packing and taking out unnecessary accessories and furniture, etc.
  • Arrangement of the optimal arrangement of existing furniture.
  • Possible purchase of decorative trinkets (when decorating, we try to use what is in the apartment. Keep buying anything else to a minimum).
  • Decoration and final preparation of the house to show to potential customers.
  • Taking photo sessions showing the greatest advantages of the property.


Presentation - what to remember

  • first impressions always come first
  • make a bathroom and kitchen flash, the rest of the apartment must of course also be cleaned
  • create a dream bedroom
  • the timing of the presentation is very important, ideally during the day
  • it is best if the premises are empty. If this is not possible, it is worth keeping the tenants quiet and calm. The potential buyer will feel honored
  • make sure that there are no animals during the presentation
  • only its good qualities should be shown
  • perform minor, overdue repairs, check small items
  • remove or bury unnecessary things
  • mute your sound equipment and TV
  • air the apartment and give it a nice smell
  • you need to be calm and confident in your righteousness, as any uncertainty may result in a decrease in the value of the apartment in the eyes of the client

Remember that sometimes even a small, seemingly insignificant detail can affect the sale!

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